Ronan Cahill


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Hi all! My name is Ronan Cahill and I am your Student President for the 2023/24 academic year.


Ronan Cahill

Student President
Where am I from?

Dromcollogher, Co.Limerick
What did I study?

Business Studies with a Major in Accounting and Finance
A bit about me: 

I am 23 years old and I have just completed the best four years of my life here at UL. 

I’m all about good vibes and positive energy because good vibes are contagious. There’s nothing I love more than talking to people and making friends. So, if you ever see me around campus and need anything, or just want to chat, please don’t be afraid to say hi. But, being honest, you’ll probably hear me before you see me!
How can I support you this academic year?
Over the course of the next year, myself and the rest of the officer team will all be working towards the same common goal — to better the lives and experiences of all UL Students. This will involve us lobbying to higher authorities at UL and indeed at a national level to make sure that student voices are heard. I will do everything in my power to make sure that students' problems and issues are recognised, acknowledged and acted upon!
What do I want to achieve in this role?
UL has shaped me into the person I am today. I absolutely love UL and everything about it, from our amazing campus and incredible people to the fantastic sense of community. I will do everything I can to allow all students to have as good an experience as I have had. 

UL has people from all different walks of life. I want to make sure that all students' voices are heard!

Where can you find me on campus? 

I love nothing more than a bop around campus and you’ll more than likely find me throwing shapes in the stables at Techno Tuesday in my funky blue pants — you couldn’t really miss me! 

But if techno isn’t your thing, you’ll find my office in the Student Life building located in the courtyard, where my door is always open!